Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cameraphone Captures Headache

If you look closely at the picture, you'll see that I left a little piece of me on the end of this spigot. This demonstrates 2 things. First, I'm forced to retract all the statements I've made regarding the uselessness of camera phones. Were it not for the camera on my recently acquired phone, I wouldn't be sharing this moment with y'all now. Second, EVERYONE should ALWAYS stand up straight when walking. Cranial impact was only possible because I was bent over so as to align the top of my head (6 feet) with this spigot end (5'6").

I was helping my friend Steve last night with some home repair when this happened. As fate would have it, both Steve and Zac were on cell phone calls when I collided. Screaming seemed pretty useless with everyone preoccupied, so I was left to sit down on the floor for a moment and ponder life. The sore spot which remains today balances nicely with the spot left on the other side of my head after a stellar 9th grade basketball pump-fake.

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